Friday, June 08, 2007

Running on fumes


Excuse me, I'm a tad sleep deprived.
Kripes. I took me 5 tries to get that sentence right.

For some godforsaken reason, I woke up at 3:30am and couldn't get back to sleep no matter how many sheep I counted. I eventually rolled out of bed, conceded to the insomnia gods and got my day started at around 5 in the morning.

Actually, I was doing quite well for someone with only a few hours of sleep. Until about 15 minutes ago. It's now a quarter to 9am and I can't stop yawning. ACK! I've got an interview with a reporter from the Nanaimo Bulletin this afternoon and a dinner party tonight. Hopefully I get a power nap somewhere in my there. Who's kidding who, I'm going to be the one nodding off in the corner by 6pm. Yep, that's me, the afterlife of the party.

I did manage to get a bunch of stuff done before I lost all my steam including carding a batch of fleece, cleaning up the kitchen, doodling some more design ideas for my Fire & Ice sweater and some gardening. Guess what I found in the garden....Tah-dah!!!
The first strawberries from my berry patch. They're so sweet and intensely berry-licious.

I'm soon going to be able to have breakfast picnics in the garden again.

Yesterday, we were blessed with short visit and lunch date with our dear friends, Nat and Pete. I finally got a chance to sit Nat down and give her a knitting lesson. She was a total natural at it. Within 10 minutes she was knitting one row after another in perfect and equal tension! I was stunned considering it took me a couple of wonky and curdled scarves before I could got the hang of maintaining consistent tension. I think I've found my newest knitting prodigy!

I whipped up a quick lunch of local new potatoes (yes, they're finally here!) , free range eggs with veggies and a green salad with beets and cucumber in a pesto dressing. All the fresh vegetables, the eggs and the pesto in the dressing were all island grown.

Last night was the Mid-Island Weavers and Spinners' Guild's potluck. I made an asian style slaw salad with greens and veggies from the garden and Nanoose Edibles farm. So simple and yet so many complex flavours. Each bite was a different experience and ranged from the slightly bitter baby gai lan to the surprisingly sweet baby bok choy and the satisfying crunch of all round green goodness.

I guess I'd better go get some work done and hopefully my brain will spruce up a bit before newspaper interview this afternoon. Heaven knows that me on sleep deprived auto-pilot won't be very coherent.

Just a reminder, the Nanaimo Farmer's Market is on today from 10am to 2pm by the Bastion. The Gabriola Farmer's market I've been told is on tomorrow and the Cedar Farmer's market is on Sunday. Here's the details and more farmer's market info.

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