A) Booby Jacket :p
B) Tog Jacket
C) Boog Jacket
Whatever you want to call it, it looks something like this:

After finishing my ‘Broken Brocade’ a couple weeks ago I’ve been letting by brain mellow out with lots and lots of spinning. Between bouts of spinning, I worked on a prototype that would bring together two of my favorite sweater designs, the Bog Jacket from Elizabeth Zimmerman (in Knitting Around) and Tubey from Knitty.com. I love the simplicity and the innovative construction ideas of both. Most of all, I love the lack of seaming :)
The beauty of this sweater is that needs only one simple line of 3 needle bind off to finish it. This sweater served as a no-brainer project that I could do while catching up on my reading and it goes well with red wine :p
Knit one, read one...
It also serves as a prototype for my first big 100 mile fiber project that I’m going to dye, spin and knit. I’ll jabber more about that project at a later date.
For this jacket I used a cotton yarn that used to reside in this skirt:
That’s my Knitting Olympics skirt which was quite lovely but it just didn’t fall the way that I wanted it to. I only wore it a handful of times and I figured it didn’t really want to be a skirt. I wish it would have told me that before I started knitting it into a skirt. Oh well, it’s now happily a jacket.
I also used EZ’s thumb trick to open up the fabric to separate the front of the jacket from the sleeves. She also uses the same technique to form a neckhole. I substituted that neck shaping technique by borrowing the upper torso design construction from Tubey with a few modifications.
In Tubey, the neckline connects near the armhole. I needed the neckline to connect with the front inside edge and to also form a collar of sorts. To do that, I simply M1 by way of yarnovers every other row. I began these increases halfway through the sleeves portion of the rectangle. Once I finished the square, I also added about a dozen rows of short rows to make a semicircle to help make it fit a bit better.
My general inspiration for the look of the jacket was the result my ponderings of what a knitter in the Shire would make. Couldn’t you imagine a Hobbit lass sporting this little number?
For function, I needed a little something to throw onto myself when I’m in the garden. The cotton is machine washable and the sleeves are long enough to give me a bit of coverage but short enough to stay out of the way when I’m mucking about.
I’m calling this jacket ‘Fiddlehead’ after the fiddlehead shaped I-cord closure and it’s lovely fern color.
ETA: Thanks everyone for all your lovely comments! The Bog Jacket pattern can be found in Elizabeth Zimmerman's 'Knitting Around' and it's simply called the Bog Jacket. The thumb trick is also in that book and probably in all her other books. It's a nifty trick and I've found it to be a very useful technique for opening up the fabric for armholes, pockets and, of course, thumbs.
There is probably a knitting circle or two floating around Nanaimo. There is this Yahoo group linkBeyond the usual spontaneous and impromptu knitting circles that seem to blossom wherever I go, I belong to the Mid-Island Weavers & Spinners Guild. The members are a treasure of wisdom and inspiration and explore a whole range of textile arts beyond spinning and weaving. When I joined I was only driving a drop spindle and within a few months I was geared up with a second-hand wheel, drum carder, mountains of fleece and tribe of expert spinners that were more than happy to teach me the ropes. We meet once a month except for over the summer. If you're interested, drop a note to Eva Ryan at jbtufnail@bc.sympatico.ca or drop off a note in my comment box.
What a gorgeous spring color. I really like the curvy front edge.
I"m an EZ addict too -- I read her books over and over, just for the humor and her great sense of The Possible.
Jen, you are so far beyond me as a knitter it hurts! You really make me want to pick up my needles again . . .
Is there a spinning/knitting/fibre group in Nanaimo? I know about the miller's frolic at True Grain in Cow Bay, and have heard of one in Errington--but those are significant drives away, and at awkward times for work-a-day folk like me. Is there anything nearby? (or any interest in starting one?)
As for a name for the sweater--how about the shire sweater? Or name it after . . . is it Rosie who Samwise comes back and marries?
I love the bog coat design--I've made it only as a sewing project, and it never occurred to me that EZ's design was the same (is it the same as the "tomten" sweater in _Knitting Without Tears_? I'm too lazy to find the book and look it up . . .). I think it's a fabulous idea, especially since it's *gorgeous* and functional, and also not too time-consuming to put together.
In fact, it really falls right into one of the things that one of Sharon Astyk's blogs talks about--the need for us to know how to make our own clothes in simple and functional designs.
It's part of Sharon's article on "100 Things You Can Do To Get Ready For Peak Oil", posted (amongst other places) here: http://groovygreen.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=347&Itemid=57
I love the fibre art you produce. It's inspiring! Now . . . how to work it into the schedule . . .
beautiful and inspiring as usual
miss you love to kev
You're a freaking genius! You have to teach me how to do that in your next knitting workshop!
I love the Shire fashion idea. I never thought of designing with books and stories in mind. It's so much more interesting than just making another sweater.
The Bog Tubey is fabulous! You are something else!
Knit one ... read one ...
Mmmm... yeessss... I think I just might be able to do THAT ...
However, I have NO HOPE - none - zilch - nada - of ever reaching bog levels. I'm thinking really fabulous scarves out of more and more fabulous yarns. Nice flat regularly shaped rectangles ...
Knit one ... read one ... thanks for the tip!
Your jacket is beautiful!
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